The University Engagement Office is dedicated to serving as a bridge of communication between the University and mainland government departments, higher education institutions and organisations. Our mission is to facilitate and support the University in exploring new collaboration opportunities in academic research and discipline co-construction.
Events in the Mainland
Event Overview
On 1st November, Professor Lyu Aiping, Vice-President (Research and Development) cum Dean of Graduate School, and Ms. Jenny Li, Director of University Engagement Office, led a delegation to visit the Department of History and Department of Chinese Language of Peking University (PKU).
On 1st November, representatives of the HKBU Council visited Beijing Normal University-Hong Kong Baptist University United International College (UIC).
On 22nd October, Dr. Albert Chau, Vice-President (Teaching and Learning) and Acting Dean of Arts, led a delegation to visit Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), and they were warmly received by Professor Zhen Liang, Vice President of HIT, and other representatives.